According to estimates, 48.3 percent of tourists that come to Mongolia are interested in seeing the nomadic lifestyle of herders. There are 30 types of cultural exercises and Mongolian traditions that include the two humped camel. To improve camel breeding and promote the lifestyle of camel herders, a Camel Festival is to be held on November 9th and 10th of in Altai soum of Gobi-Altai province.
The Thousand Camel Festival is a celebration of the Bactrian Camel and the important role they play in the survival of the nomadic people of the Gobi. The festival was created to support the herders as they struggle to reverse their continually declining camel population.
This annual event draws over 1,000 camels to participate in activities including parades, races and polo competitions. Guests have the opportunity to take part in the events and photo opportunities are abundant, as the camels are at their most photogenic wearing their thick, woolen coats. Local herders welcome guests into their homes to experience first-hand, their nomadic lifestyle in the Gobi Desert.
Camel Festival 2013 to take place in Gobi-Altai province | ||
Үзсэн: 2659 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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