The “30 Minutes with the Prime Minister” meeting took place yesterday. The Prime Minister co-hosted the press conference with the President of the Central Bank. He raised the hot-spot issues of the week including the rise in currency and its future trends.
Critics say that the dollar exchange rate against the tugrik is increasing day by day. But it is nto unusual for currency rates to increase at the beginning of the year. Central Bank Head N.Zoljargal says that this is related to foreign trade turnover. Looking back at the currency changes in the last three years, the currency exchange rates in 2011 and 2012 were high compared to 2013. But this year, the dollar exchange rate against the tugrik has risen by 10 tugrik almost every day, which has drawn a lot of attention.
N.Zorjargal, President of Central Bank, “The Central Bank has been included in managing these seasonal fluctuations and we will be included furthermore. We were also present in managing the issues of rising currency rates in the last one or two months and now we will work more to stabilize currency”.
As of February 27th, the Central Bank has made trades of 29 million U.S. dollars and 55 million Chinese yuan in order to stabilize the currency rate. The Central Bank head says there are few bases to stabilize currency rate and noted that the foreign trade deficit decreased this year for the first time. Gold deposits have increased, which will provide more opportunity to stabilize the currency rate. The Prime Minister appealed for producing products that will replace imports in order to save the economy.
N.Altankhuyag, Prime Minister of Mongolia, “This year the government is working with new circumstance,s where last year was focused on stabilizing prices and this year is for replacing imported products”.
The government and Central Bank have implemented a project to stabilize prices. Loans of around 700 billion tugrik have been given to construction companies to increase supply and stabilize construction prices. But journalists have asked about how effective the program is.
N.Zorjargal, President of Central Bank, “We will continue this policy. This is a policy that supports people with medium income trying to save up money, and we will continue this construction loan project. We are also talking to the government about how to improve the project in order to make this policy more effective for its target market”.
The project to stabilize prices will continue in the future. The Prime Minister says that the government is adhering to a policy to update the economy on the whole.
Government and the Central Bank address currency exchange rate concerns | ||
Үзсэн: 2310 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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